Roswell Residential Painting

Roswell residential painting

For quality Roswell residential painting, the name to remember is Kenneth Axt Painting. With so many choices for painting contractors, we recognize that choosing the right one can be confusing. We bring 40 years of experience from qualified pros to the table, including plenty of experience in Roswell and the surrounding metro area. From interior touch ups and color changes to full exterior repainting jobs, our crews have the expertise and work ethic to get the job done correctly.

We take pride in providing properly trained crews to all of our clients. From small residential jobs to large commercial accounts, our commitment to quality and upholding our reputation never wavers. We instruct our painting pros in proper techniques, performing surface prep work before a can of paint of ever cracked open. Also, our experienced estimators will catch and recommend any necessary repairs to wood, stucco, or other surfaces. This might not make us the cheapest option, but we prefer to let our quality do the talking! Plus, with our thorough approach, we’re confident to offer a 10-year warranty on all work we do. Our reputation for top quality service and accessible communication with our customers means a lot to us, and we hope you’ll come to depend on our team to deliver quality and beautiful results for your Roswell residential painting.

roswell residential painting

Kenneth Axt is Your Call for Roswell Residential Painting


From our humble beginnings in 1973, Ken Axt has always instilled the values of a family owned company in our employees. We value our customers and do our best to provide excellent service and top-notch craftsmanship. For your Roswell residential painting needs, we’ve got a team of dedicated painting pros ready to help. While we know you have many choices for a painting contractor, please let us help you avoid the pitfalls that can come with hiring less reputable, discount competitors.

Over the years, we’ve seen Roswell and many of its neighborhoods undergo a building boom, with lots of new architectural styles and updates to existing homes. When it comes to a quality paint job, we’re well equipped to handle any and all types of surfaces. From brick to stucco to siding, our crews are properly trained to prep and paint any exterior or interior surface. We take pride in providing a fair estimate based on work that needs to be done, including repairs and prep!

Contact us today if you’re looking for trustworthy, honest Roswell residential painting services. You’ll get a thorough inspection from our trained professional estimators, and we can even provide free color consultation too. Remember, besides proper prep, repair and painting all of your interior and exterior surfaces, we can also handle wallpaper removal, trim work, and basic carpentry repairs. Find out why our crews have been a certified “Best Pick” for 18 years by Home Reports. Read the testimonials of past satisfied customers and give us a call today at Kenneth Axt Painting Contractors. We look forward to serving you soon!